Tuesday, 25 June 2013

MCQ on Angiosperms Systematics

1.  The system of plant classification proposed by Carolus Linnaeus was artificial because
a) It was based on evolutionary relationship of plants
b) It was based on similarities and differences in floral and other morphological characters only
c) It took into account the physiological facts along with the morphological characters
d) None of the above

2. Linnaeus is credited with introducing
a) The concept of inheritance
b) Law of limiting factor
c) Theory of heredity
d) Binomial nomenclature

3. Out of the 4 widely known systems of classification one remains less phylogenetic and more natural and that is of
a) Engler and Prantl
b) Hutchinson
c) Bentham and Hooker
d) Rendle

4. The chief merit of Bentham and Hookers classification is that
a) it is a natural system of classification of all group of plants
b) a system based on evolutionary concept
c) it also considered the phylogenetic aspect
d) The description of taxa are based on actual examination of the specimens

5. ‘Systema Naturae’ written by Linnaeus contains a list of
a) 4000 species of plants
b) 2000 species of plants
c) 4200 species of plants
d) 4200 species of animals

6. Natural system of classification of plants differs from artificial system of classification in
a) taking into account only one vegetative character
b) taking into account only one floral character
c) taking into account all the similarities between plants
d) all of these

7. One of the best methods for understanding general relationships of plants is
a) Cytotaxonomy
b) Experimental Taxonomy
c) Numerical Taxonomy
d) Chemotaxonomy

8. Systematics deals with
a) Identification of Organism
b) Classification of organisms
c) the kinds and diversity of all organisms and the existing relationships amongst themselves
d) identification, naming  and classification of both plants and animals

9. α- taxonomy deals with
a) Classical taxonomy
b) Chemotaxonomy
c) phylogeny
d) experimental taxonomy

10. Classical taxonomy is also termed
a) β taxonomy
b) systematics
c) descriptive taxonomy
d) experimental taxonomy

11. The advantage of Systematics is that it
a)  gives an idea of organic diversity, its origin and evolution in the plant and animal kingdom
b) is complementary to other branches of biology
c) provides correct information needed in agriculture, medical, veterinary sciences etc.
d) All of these

12. Syngenesious anthers and epipetalous stamens are found in
a) Liliaceae
b) Malvaceae
c) Solanaceae
d) Compositae

13. Indefinite stamens are characteristic of family
a) Malvaceae
b) Gramineae
c) Labiatae
d) Cruciferae

14. Synandrous condition is common in the family
a) Umbelliferae
b) Rosaceae
c) Malvaceae
d) Cucurbitaceae

15. Polyadelphous condition is found in
a) Leguminosae
b) Rutaceae

c) Compositae
d) Liliaceae

1- d  2-d  3-c  4-d 5-d 6-c 7-d 8-c 9-a 10-c 11-d 12-d 13-a 14-d 15-b

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